EthicHub Welcomes a New Originator: Productos Agroalimentarios FPP

We are thrilled to announce that EthicHub has partnered with a new Originator, Productos Agroalimentarios FPP SAPI S.A. de C.V., a social enterprise specifically created by Fondo Para la Paz to support and empower productive endeavors in rural communities.

Recommended and audited by our ally, Heifer México, Productos Agroalimentarios FPP SAPI S.A. de C.V. operates in Sierra Zongolica, Veracruz, Mexico, a region characterized by its Nahuatl indigenous population and mountainous terrain.

The project's mission extends beyond enhancing coffee production to encompass community management of water and sanitation services, improving food security, and promoting appropriate technologies to elevate the quality of life in households.

With a focus on sustainability, the project promotes eco-friendly agricultural practices that not only boost sustainability but also increase the profitability of coffee plantations, ensuring the conservation of ecosystem services.

Since its inception, the project has witnessed a remarkable increase in coffee plot yields. Initially producing 1 kg of cherry per plant, the plots now yield over 3 kg, with some leading producers achieving up to 7 kg per plant. In 2023, over 300 producers delivered 275 tons of premium quality green coffee.

The Sierra Zongolica Coffee Project is an integral part of Fondo para la Paz's Sustainable Community Development Program (PDCS), which aims to consolidate cohesive and self-managed communities with a vision of sustainable development.

This program is founded on three strategic pillars: knowledge exchange and management, satisfaction of basic needs, and community organization.

Additionally, the project incorporates gender and human rights approaches to ensure inclusive and equitable participation.

While recognizing the progress made, we acknowledge the considerable journey ahead to fully achieve our goals. Therefore, financing this project through EthicHub is crucial.

 Sure, here is the translation of the text into English:  Coffee plant nursery. In the background, three farmers observe the plants.
Coffee plant nursery. Photograph provided by Productos Agroalimentarios.

Investing in smallholder productivity allows investors to directly contribute to improving their practices and increasing their production, facilitating the export of exceptional products.

Furthermore, providing loan collateral support offers a financial safety net, enabling access to necessary resources.

Finally, by financing the project through EthicHub, investors contribute to building a more inclusive and equitable financial system, enhancing financing access for rural communities excluded from the conventional system.

While the Productos Agroalimentarios financing project is not an investment opportunity on the platform, contributing collateral on the Ethix platform is. We invite everyone to join this remarkable project by contributing Ethix and strengthening the ecosystem!

Productos Agroalimentarios' Crowd collateral at
Productos Agroalimentarios' Crowd collateral at
Gabriela Chang

Gabriela Chang

In her role as CSO and Co-founder of Ethichub, she leverages her past experience as an organic coffee producer and her work at the Chiapas State Secretariat of Economic Development in Mexico.
