What is it and How does it work?

We are a Spanish startup, multi-award-winning, and recognized nationally and internationally, committed to creating a collaborative ecosystem based on the real and productive economy to generate a social, economic, and environmental impact globally.

Will you invest on a loan or purchase a coffee?

EthicHub arises to break the boundaries of money and correct, current dysfunctions of the global economy and the financial system that among other things have excluded a quarter of the world's population...

Jori Armbruster


What is EthicHub?

EthicHub is a social enterprise that connects small farmers with the financing needed to work their land and sell their crops to direct markets.

Our purpose is to improve these small farmers' living standards through increased productivity and a more equitable supply chain. Did you know that many of the world's best coffee producers live in houses with dirt floors and tin roofs? And that they cannot save even to cover unforeseen events such as getting sick? With our collaborative financing platform and the use of new technologies, we can provide them with access to working capital, with very affordable interest rates. By opening direct markets for their excellent products, we ensure that they can pay off loans and enjoy their work benefits.

EthicHub arises as an original proposal to "break the boundaries of money" and correct the global economy's dysfunctions and the financial and monetary system we know: The price of money is not uniform. Is not it  paradoxical that living all on the same planet, more than 1 billion small farmers in the world pay interest above 100% per year while in other parts of the world, we hardly receive a return on our savings deposited in a checking account?

EthicHub has built a technological bridge to connect these two worlds and benefit the parties with their interaction. We finance profitable agricultural projects, based on the real and productive economy to generate a new ecosystem where all the actors involved win with the relationship and mutual collaboration, developing a strong and self-financed market:

Farmers have access to a new financing tool and can produce higher volumes and improve their crops' quality to generate a new ecosystem where all stakeholders win with mutual relationship and collaboration, generating a self-funded and robust market: Farmers have access to a new financing tool, and they manage to produce more volume and improve the quality of their crops, and we close the circle of comprehensive care by opening international markets for their production, considerably increasing the current price paid per kilo. Because of their payment history, we create a credit history that further improves loan conditions. The funders at our platform have the opportunity to invest in projects with notable returns and moderate risk collaboratively—at the same time, contribute to generate a socio-economic and environmental impact in these small agricultural communities and facilitate their personal development. And buyers can access a stable supply market, with a product of exceptional and sustainable quality, with full traceability.

Ethichub arises with the objective of "breaking the boundaries of money" and correcting the global economy's current dysfunctions and the world financial and monetary system. The price of money in the world is not uniform. While these farmers pay interest above 100% per annum, we hardly receive any return on our savings deposited in a checking account in other parts of the world. And isn't this extraordinarily paradoxical when we all live on the same planet?

Jori Armbruster

What is Crowdlending?

Crowdlending refers to a group of people (crowd) who get together and organize to finance (lending) together with an initiative or project in exchange for a stipulated interest. Crowdlending is a flourishing industry that grows year after year due to its advantages to lenders and borrowers.

EthicHub has a P2P crowdlending platform where many small investors can finance small agricultural communities' agricultural activities and receive interest in loans. Our platform, native to Blockchain technology, allows minimum investments of 50 euros through cryptocurrencies or with credit and debit cards linked to your bank account.

Why do we use blockchain technology?

Because this disruptive technology already allows value transfers through the internet in a fast, traceable, transparent, safe, and practically freeway even in minimal amounts.

EthicHub is a benchmark in the use of blockchain technology applied to financial inclusion with impact
, optimizing the growing crowdlending industry significantly, enabling a small group of people to collectively contribute different amounts of money to finance agricultural projects on the other side of the world.

Who can invest in EthicHub?

Anyone of legal age, as long as they are aware of the existing risks and do not need to dispose of the funds invested while the project is open. It is also necessary to go through a Customer Identification process (KYC) to comply with European regulations on users' identity.

At EthicHub platform, can be invested from the minimum amount of 50€ to the maximum amount specified in each project. We have enabled a traditional payment channel where you can contribute to projects with debit or credit cards. If you are familiar with cryptocurrencies, you can also use other channels to transfer assets to your account within EthicHub and, from there, participate in projects.

Thanks to Blockchain technology, it is now possible to quickly transfer even small amounts over the internet, safely, and practically free of charge. This new disruption is optimizing the development of the crowdlending or collaborative loans industry - the possibility that a group of people can jointly finance different initiatives - and promoting the emergence of new, more sustainable, and profitable business models.

What are our SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)?

At EthicHub, we contribute to 9 of the Sustainable Development Goals, and we are very aligned with the 2030 plan promoted by the United Nations. We believe in a new economy, more inclusive and caring, environmentally-friendly, and caring for biodiversity.

We also recognize the importance of measuring our activity's social, economic, and environmental impact. In this sense, we are fortunate to have as an ally the Master of Microfinance and Financial Inclusion of Madrid's Autonomous University to develop our impact measurement tool.


Do you want to know the work of our Originator Hub?

The EthicHub Originator Hub is the person or responsible entity for locating communities of farmers who may want to join our platform: It explains EthicHub's work to them, organizes groups of small producers, and acts as the "human factor" in an environment of technological disruption, ensures that investors' money is used in the indicated productive tasks.

He regularly supervises the communities' fieldwork and promotes acceptable environmental practices, helping farmers generate more outstanding production and better quality.

Have we convinced you to invest in EthicHub projects?

Hopefully! We would very much like you to be a part of all of this and join the growing Ethichubbers community. Remember that you can make your investment and choose between USD or EUR returns and that you will have all the support of the EthicHub members to accompany you in this process and guide you in your first experience.

You will be interacting with Blockchain technology without even realizing it and generating a substantial positive impact on small farmers' lives on the other side of the world!

Do you know that you can also buy coffee from our farmers?

At EthicHub, we also offer the possibility of accessing the raw materials grown by our farmers without participating in the projects' financing. We open international markets to the EthicHub communities and show the excellence of its product at competitive prices.

It is important to note that we are not intermediaries, nor do we buy low prices to sell it at a high price. We are partners of farmers, and 50% of the sale's net profit has a direct impact on them


Why is buying this coffee another way to support farmers?

We are offering you an excellent coffee, classified as a specialty.

Here you know that half of your purchase's net benefit goes directly to the farmers who have produced it; thus, we all value the great work done by those usually who are the weakest link in the supply chain.

Before EthicHub, these small farmers sold their crops in very local and heavily intermediate settings. The lender himself would collect the loans with its high interest, establishing a price well below the market.

Now, we have achieved to provide more and better financing; we also want their product to be priced fairly, and that’s why we are opening international markets. In this sense, we are not intermediaries, nor do we buy with a low price to sell high; we partner with farmers.

Rarely can a cup of coffee leave a better taste in your mouth!