Alcalá - Tradewise Green Coffee Import & Export


We are a group of technicians and professionals from the northern region of the Department of Valle del Cauca in Colombia who met in 1998 to carry out projects that would benefit the region's agricultural sector, especially small producers, under the premises of a fair market, environmental preservation and good agricultural practices.

Our main objective was to introduce the local fruits to European markets, so the Agro solidarity Foundations of Cartago and Catalonia in Spain were created.

Out of this project’s experience, one of the founders, coffee merchant Mr. Fernando Yusti, also promoted the export of this product, not only to Europe but also to the United States and Asia.

At this time, we have a logistics infrastructure and an experienced work team in the Tradewise Green Coffee S.A.S firm in Colombia and its current interaction is with small coffee producers from the north of Valle del Cauca in the municipality of Alcalá.

The company is located in the northern municipality of Cartago, in the valley, where we are able to storage of up to 40 thousand kilos of coffee from different regions of our country, including selection and manual control, taking care of handling coffee with the highest quality standards.

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